No – you can’t be a Marxist and a Christian.

Jordan Peterson is technically correct in that you cannot be a Christian and a real Marxist. The two philosophies are polar opposites on core matters such as materialism, use of State power, the dignity of the individual person, religious freedom and human rights. But that does not mean that Christians do not care about human rights, social justice or the plight of the poor and vulnerable. They should.

In fact it’s pretty hard to read either the Old Testament or the New Testament and to come away with an attitude that justice for the poor doesn’t matter. It does.

What Peterson’s video exposes is the loose thinking among some people that seeks to blur two very different ways of living and how we view people, the State and free choice. It’s not possible to believe that all that matters is materialism and that spiritual matters should be to the fore. It’s not possible to believe that love overcomes all and also believe in hatred towards owners of property and violent revolution to take their property.